We tell stories that matter

During times of crisis or celebration, difficulty or joy – we tell stories that make up the fabric of life in our communities.
Emily wins 91.5 pounds of Halloween candy!

Emily wins 91.5 pounds of Halloween candy!

For the past two weeks, hundreds of guesses have flooded in for the Great Pumpkin Weigh-In. The results are in and the massive pumpkin at Cochrane Save-On-Foods weighed in at 127.4 pounds. While no one guessed the exact weight, Emily came closest with a guess of 123...

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Radiothon goal achieved with last minute push

Radiothon goal achieved with last minute push

Mission accomplished for Heartbeat of Hope Radiothon Friday afternoon as a surge of last-hour donations helped the two-day event surpass its goal.The Dr. Noble Irwin Regional Healthcare Foundation brought in $161,990 and counting across the 22-hour live broadcasts on...

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50/50 for Change grand prize

50/50 for Change grand prize

After sales closed at 2:00 p.m. on Friday afternoon, the jackpot reached a total of $19,790. SaskAbilities will use half of the proceeds to fund the recreation programs they offer to their clients, including Summer Fun, the SLYP-Out program and Camp Easter Seals.

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