High River

High River OnlineAM 1140 RadioThe Eagle 100.9 FMSun Country 99.7 FM

Advertise with Golden West in and around High River

Golden West helps you reach thousands of local High River listeners daily at home, at work, and during their commute, making Golden West the perfect advertising platform for broadcasting your business.

Advertising Advantages

// Targeted programming for your business.

// Trusted local experts who know the market.

// Insights about our audience’s consumption habits.

// Local and national reach.

Leverage your radio ads with highriveronline.com, a digital ad platform that can reach over 33,000 customers monthly for a bigger impact.
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Golden West broadcasts the ultimate Hot Country stations in High River.

Hear the best hits from artists like Kenny Chesney, Garth Brooks, Carrie Underwood, Keith Urban and many more, and keep updated on all your local news, entertainment, and weather.

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50,000 WATTS

At 50,000 watts, we reach the entire Greater Southern Alberta region, from Red Deer to Lethbridge.


8,000 WATTS

At 8,000 watts, we reach the entire Greater Southern Alberta region, from Red Deer to Lethbridge.






Listeners aged 25-64

Avg. Household Income

Advertise with Us.


Office: 403-652-2472
AM 1140 Studio: 403-652-3333
Sun Country Studio: 403-652-4997


General: info@highriveronline.com
News: news@highriveronline.com


11-5th ave SE
High River, AB
T1V 1G2