Advertise with Golden West in and around Humboldt
Golden West is a powerful advertising platform reaching thousands of local Humboldt listeners every day. Whether they’re at home, at work, or on the road, they’ll hear your message. Golden West – the ultimate advertising platform to broadcast your business.
Advertising Advantages
// Targeted programming for your business.
// Trusted local experts who know the market.
// Insights about our audience’s consumption habits.
// Local and national reach. is a digital platform that draws over 41,000 local visitors monthly to expand your reach and make your message stand out online.

107.5 Bolt FM CHBO is Humboldt’s premiere broadcast for music and local news.
We play the best hits from your favourite artists like Taylor Swift, Rihanna, U2, Michael Bublé, Bruno Mars, Coldplay, Adele and more. Plus, we keep you in the loop with the latest news, entertainment, and weather in your area.

100,000 WATTS
At 100,000 watts, Bolt FM reaches listeners in Humboldt and across Central Saskatchewan.
Listeners aged 25-64
Avg. Household Income
Advertise with Us.
Office: 306-682-2255
107.5 BOLT FM Studio: 306-682-0107
General: [email protected]
News: [email protected]
Box 2888 – 640 10th Street
Humboldt, SK
S0K 2A0